
Negativity, weights, guilt, failure, abuse, bad memories, feeling stuck … it is hard to move forward in life when you are carrying baggage from the past. We cannot change what has happened; but we can make positive decisions today. Susan’s coaching not only encourages you to identify and accept valuable lessons from the past; but also, how to leave the past behind and move forward with positive growth, maturity, and hope of a better future.
Don’t be overwhelmed … there’s hope for you to achieve!

Unhealthy self-talk, bad habits, negative thought patterns, repeated mistakes, wrong beliefs, unrealistic expectations … these are things that not only bring you down, but also keep you down. When you lack self-confidence, you are more apt to struggle with anxiety, excessive sadness, fear, inferiority, jealousy, social phobia, feelings of defeat, and a host of other things that stunt the confidence you need to achieve. Coaching with Susan can help you identify problems and give insight to positive change so that you can reach, believe, and live your best potential.
Don’t live defeated … learn to achieve your own potential!

Do you struggle making and maintaining healthy relationships? Good biblical life-coaching can help to revamp the relationship you have with your marriage, children, parents, family, in-laws, work associates, neighbors, friends, or enemies. People problems can be some of the most difficult trials that we will ever face; but they needn’t be impossible. Rejection, disloyalty, unfaithfulness, jealousy, gossip, neglect, abuse, head games, bullying, betrayal, and lack of forgiveness make it hard to build and maintain healthy relationships. Coaching with Susan can help you sort out, mend, and cultivate the relationships in your life.
Friendships can be the hardest yet most rewarding endeavors we will ever work for! Coaching helps you evaluate the changes you can make on your end so you can move forward with a renewed mindset and better plan to achieve healthy and lasting relationships.